I offer support for all mothers, from the new mother learning the basics of breastfeeding, to the experienced breastfeeding mother who may need more help than she did with her older children.
Some people need a check in to make sure things are going well, and others may need more extensive support.
Collaboration with other providers is essential to the success of the families I serve. I work closely with a network of providers for additional services, as needed. I am here to provide you with support to reach your breastfeeding goals.
continue below to book your appointment.
If you plan to utilize your insurance coverage:
you MUST read through the information below and make sure
your insurance covers your appointment *before* booking.
This is for initial appointments only.
(for follow up consults, please click here.)
Memorial Health
insurance policies
We ARE in network and you may book your appointment
via the scheduler below without pre-authorization.
Any other insurance policies:
You MUST click here to determine insurance coverage for services through Lactation Network BEFORE scheduling your appointment (will not cover Medicaid or Tricare, unfortunately, but does include Champs VA).